Manortown United FC

Founded 1969


Zero Tolerance to Racism/Discrimination

Manortown United have a zero tolerance to Discrimination/Rascim.

The club do not tolerate sexual or racially-based harassment or other discriminatory behaviour, whether physical or verbal, and shall work to ensure that such behaviour is met with appropriate disciplinary action in whatever context it occurs.

Any Participant, who offends, disparages, discriminates against or denigrates someone, or a group of persons, in a derogatory manner on account of ‘race’, skin colour, language, religion, disability, ethnic and/or national origin(s) or sexual orientation, or perpetrates any other racist/discriminatory and/or contemptuous act, shall be subject to disciplinary action.

If this happens during a match the referee must be made aware of it at the earliest opportunity by the Manager of the team involved.

If the referee did not here or see the incident then the Manager should request the referee take statements for his/her match report from any witness who are on site at time and are willing to contribute information. This will allow the league to deal with it through the match report process.

If a spectator, or spectators, engage in racist/discriminatory behaviour, including but not limited to chanting or displaying racist/discriminatory slogans at a match, the relevant disciplinary body shall sanction the Affiliated Member which the spectator(s) support. If the spectator(s) cannot be identified as a supporter, or supporters, of one or other club/affiliate the host club/affiliate may be sanctioned.

Outside Matches any person who has a complaint or concern should bring it to the attention of the Manager or
league secretary or Club Chairperson. The complaint or concern should be in writing (email) and should outline all relevant details and other parties involved in line with procedure.

It is important that every complainant provides as much detail as possible about what happened. We recognise that the process can be difficult, and sometimes distressing, but it is vital that key pieces of information are captured in order to deal with a complaint properly. Some of the facts that will need to be established are set out in the list below:
• Where and when did the incident(s) take place?
• What exactly happened?
• Who said/did what to whom?
• What are the relationships/roles of the parties involved in the incident?

How close were individuals to the incident and did they have an unobstructed view?
• Was an incident witnessed first-hand or was it reported to someone?
• What are the names and/or descriptions of those involved in the incident, including other possible witnesses?
• What happened after the incident and has it been reported to anyone else e.g. the Gardaí?
• Is there anything else relevant to the complaint– e.g. past history between the parties.

Confidentiality is about managing information in a respectful, professional and purposeful manner. It is important that the rights of the complainant and the person about whom the complaint has been made are protected. Therefore, appropriate confidentiality will be maintained in respect of all issues and people involved in concerns about the welfare of the complainant or bad practice within the club/league.

Anonymous complaints can be difficult to deal with, however they cannot be ignored. All complaints relating to inappropriate behaviour/poor practice should be brought to the attention of the Chairperson/Secretary of the Club. All complaints should be checked out and handled in a confidential manner. It is important to record all such complaints and actions taken.

Rumours should not be allowed hang in the air. Any rumour/s relating to inappropriate behaviour/s circulating in the club should be brought to the attention to the Chairperson and checked out promptly. All ensuing information should be handled confidentially and with sensitivity.

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